The easiest way to get to/from Baía da Luz from/to Faro airport is to rent a car or take a taxi. It takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes to drive. If you want to use public transport, there are buses that run between Faro airport and Lagos...

If you want to use public transportation, there are buses that run between Faro Airport and Lagos bus station, and local buses between Lagos and Praia da Luz. However, this takes longer and can be inconvenient with luggage.

Therefore, we recommend renting a car to get to and from the resort, as it also makes it easier to explore the Algarve region on your own.

You can find more information about Faro Airport here:

There are car rental services at the airport and in the surrounding area, search for example 'car rental Faro airport Portugal' and many different options will come up. If you have any tips on good companies, please leave a comment below and we will add it to the list.